On the road today..Tonight's stop is at Wasilla which took about 3and a half hours from Seward.
Wasilla didn't look too promising but when we drove down the road to our hotel we were really nicely surprised.It was situated beside Lake Lucille and was a beautiful sprawling timber building curved around the lakeside..Inside the walls were covered in fabulous prints of wolves and other wild animals as well as the usual moose/elk/ bear and assorted animal heads mounted on the walls(ugh!)
Our rooms were lovely and had a balcony looking out over the lake..The photos here are not of our hotel!!
All of a sudden we spotted something swimming towards the bank..It was a beaver!!!!!He had a branch in his mouth so was probably building his lodge under the bank..We saw a couple more after that..Didn't expect to see beaver!!!
I've added a couple of photos of Seward as well,Some of the houses were unbelievable and that people lived in them.Remember this is avalanche and earthquake country.The big one in 1964 devasted most of the eastern side of Alaska and there are signs of this everywhere.The lovliest of all the houses are the log cabins.All sizes and shapes.
Remember this Lin ....... Nice beaver!!!! xxx